Kia hui tahi ai tātou i raro i te maru ō Puāwaitahi hei haumaru āroha, ki te katoa kā tae ake nei
Kō te tūmanako, kia toro atu a ringaringa kia hikoi tahi tātou
Kia kaha tonu ai tātou katoa ki te rāranga i tetahi arawhiti ki tua
Ahakoa i roto i te hau āwha, ka piko, engari e kore rawa e whati
Kā pupuri tonu ā matou tamariki i roto tonu i te wairua aroha
We come together in mutual respect and ask for universal protection for all those who come to Puāwaitahi.
We reach out our hand to walk with you in hope. Grant us the courage and strength to safely weave a bridge to the other side.
We will be with you, in the wind we may bend but will not break. May we hold these children in the spirit of love.